Marketing and Neuroscience a possible sinergy
- Written by Patrizia
On October 1st, Sapienza University hosted the “Conference on Consumer Insights – News from Neuroscience” sponsored by BrainSigns.
The hall was soon filled with an original audience: professors, companies, institutions and students.
It has been talked about the possible synergies between marketing and neuroscience with both, high-profile academic reflections and practical examples by market players such as Telecom and Banca Intesa (BrainSigns customers) and Unilever.
After the oral reports there was space for debate on important issues of ethics and reliability.
Prof. Fabio Babiloni
Prof. Fabio Babiloni
Prof. Alberto Mattiacci
Prof. Alberto Mattiacci
Some speakers (from left: doctor Arianna Trettel, prof. G. Lugli, prof. A. Mattiacci, prof. F. Babiloni, doctor S. Genco, prof. D. Dalli)
Some speakers (from left: doctor Arianna Trettel, prof. G. Lugli, prof. A. Mattiacci, prof. F. Babiloni, doctor S. Genco, prof. D. Dalli)
Image from the hall
Image from the hall
Special guest: Steve Genco
Special guest: Steve Genco
October 1st - Interview to Dr.. Genco: “Speak the language of your customers...”
From Steve Genco's report many news came out, at least for Italian public. “Neuromarketing heavy expert and international speaker”, Genco has presented a provocative report on what he calls Intuitive Marketing. The first part is dedicated to the strength and weaknesses of the companies that sell services in the world of neuromarketing, and a second part devoted to the radical changes in the approach to marketing-oriented from the most recent acquisitions of neuroscience. Exactly the neuroscience, according to Genco, today suggests a different marketing that may arise doubts on the traditional objectives of attention, memory and conscious conviction on the point of sale. Rather, the marketing should point to the fluidity of the messages, a “priming” effective, emotion and repetition to evoke a recall not necessarily detailed and conscious, but intuitively that rimindes easily an association to the product in the store.
In this contest becomes important the focus of the product experience and about this Genco says: “Are not preferences that produce behaviors, but behaviors that produce the experience.”
The event has produced many new ideas and insights to catch for both, participants and promoters.
Have a look at the Youtube BrainSigns Channel to watch some videos of the conference.

Head of NeuroMarketing Research
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