BrainSigns has published books about the application of modern neuroscience techniques to the marketing and economy fields, paying special attention to the study of the brain response elicited by advertising.
Neuromarketing, società e tutela del consumatore
by Myriam Caratù e Patrizia Cherubino
The book examines how neuroscience is redefining the way companies interact with consumers and, at the same time, investigates the social component of neuromarketing and its relationship to public policy. Starting from Professor Babiloni's introduction, this work pushes the boundaries of traditional marketing, immersing itself in the research and theories of neuroscience applied to it.
Come (si) sentono i ragazzi? Riflessioni su didattica a distanza e sordità ai tempi della pandemia
by Bianca M.S. Inguscio, Maria Nicastri, Ilaria Giallini, Antonio Greco, Fabio babiloni, Patrizia Mancini, Giulia Cartocci
The chapter, within the volume focusing on the psychosocial distress of the new generation during the isolation imposed by Covid-19, urgently addresses the echoes of questions due to the impact of distance learning on children and young people with disabilities and their families. The contribution, in addition to illustrating the scientific project COCLOVID (Evaluation of online didactics during Covid-19 quarantine in children with cochlear implants and parents) and its preliminary results, aims at not deafening the voice of this echo, which, if listened to, could become a torch illuminating silent loneliness, allowing synergic development and integration in a school, capable of the ‘Right Distance’ in complex periods such as the pandemic exploded in 2020.
The evolution of passive Brain-Computer Interfaces: Enhancing the human-machine interaction
by N Sciaraffa, P Aricò, G Borghini, Gianluca Di Flumeri, Antonello Di Florio, Fabio Babiloni
In the last decade, a real revolution in the field of brain -computer interfaces (BCI) led from the "overt" detection of human intention to the "covert" assessment of the actual human mental states. While the first aspect is the basis of the traditional BCI systems, the latter represents the outcome of the passive BCI applications. In fact, passive BCI derives its outputs from brain activity arising without the purpose of voluntary control, but implicitly related to the human mental state.
Monitoring performance of professional and occupational operators
by Borghini, G., Ronca, V., Vozzi, A., Aricò, P., Di Flumeri, G., & Babiloni, F.
The human capacity to simultaneously perform several tasks depends on the quantity and the mode of mentally processing the information imposed by the tasks. Since operational environments are highly dynamic, priorities across tasks will be expected to change as the mission evolves, thus the capability to reallocate the mental resources dynamically depending on such changes is very important.
La mente del consumatore: Guida applicata al neuromarketing e alla consumer neuroscience
by Rumen Pozharliev, Patrizia Cherubino
This book introduces the reader to the basis of the structure and the functioning of the human brain. In the first chapters it presents the neuroscientific tools and the measures most used by academic researchers and the business community in order to study the attention, the emotional responses, the learning process and the memory. Afterwards, it goes on to examine how key neuroscience theories are applied to understand and improve commercial and marketing practices.
Industrial Neuroscience in Aviation
by Gianluca Borghini, Pietro Aricò, Gianluca Di Flumeri, Fabio Babiloni
How can neuroscience help in the evaluation of pilot performance and of their mental workload? Find out what’s the state-of-the-art in using neuroscience for aviation applications in this exciting monograph!
Transparency and Reliability in Neuromarketing Research
by Arianna Trettel , Patrizia Cherubino, Giulia Cartocci, Dario Rossi, Enrica Modica, Anton Giulio Maglione, Gianluca di Flumeri, Fabio Babiloni
In this chapter, we discuss about the transparency and reliability issues in the practice of the application of neuroscience-based methodologies on relevant marketing stimuli (e.g., neuromarketing). It is hypothesized that one of the reasons of the misperception and overestimation by the public opinion and mass media of the actual capabilities of the neuromarketing to inform marketing researcher is due to the lack of the transparency about the methodologies employed by the neuromarketing companies....
Marketing Meets Neuroscience: Useful Insights for Gender Subgroups During the Observation of TV Ads
by Cherubino P, Cartocci G, Trettel A, Rossi D, Modica E, Maglione A G, Mancini M, Di Flumeri G, Babiloni F
In this chapter, findings of an experiment aimed to investigate cognitive changes of cerebral activity during the observation of TV commercials will be presented. In particular, it has been recorded Electroencephalographic data (EEG) from a group of 24 healthy subjects during the observation of a series of TV advertisements. The group was divided by gender (male, female). Comparisons of cerebral index previously defined have been performed to highlight gender differences between scenes of interest of a specific TV commercials
Neuroelectrical indexes for the study of the efficacy of TV Advertising Stimuli
by P. Cherubino, A. Trettel, G. Cartocci, D. Rossi, E. Modica, A.G. Maglione, M. Mancini, G. Di Flumeri and F. Babiloni. In Select Issues of Experimental Economics (pp. 355-371). Springer International Publishing, 2016
In this chapter, we present the findings of an experiment aimed to investigate cognitive and emotional changes of cerebral activity during the observation of TV commercials. In particular, we recorded the electroencephalographic (EEG), galvanic skin response (GSR) and heart rate (HR) from a group of 24 healthy subjects during ...
Successful Technological Integration for Competitive Advantage in Retail Settings: Measuring cognitive and emotional processes in retails: a neuroscience perspective
by P. Cherubino, A.G. Maglione, I. Graziani, A. Trettel, G. Vecchiato and F. Babiloni (2015) Pantano E., IGI-book
Successful Technological Integration for Competitive Advantage in Retail Settings examines the various effects of changing markets and subsequently how these changes cause retailers to meet consumer demand by integrating more sophisticated, advanced innovations in their daily practices. Focusing on corporate strategies...
On the Use of Cognitive Neuroscience in Industrial Applications by Using Neuroelectromagnetic Recordings
by Giovanni Vecchiato, Patrizia Cherubino, Arianna Trettel and Fabio Babiloni, Springer, 2013. ISBN: 978-3-642-38063-1
Nowadays there is an emerging interest to apply the cognitive neuroscience recent scientific findings into the industrial context, to increase the efficacy of the interaction between humans and devices. The aim of the present chapter is to illustrate the possibilities of the use of electroencephalographic (EEG) signals...
Neuroscienze e Management: Misurare l’emozione e l’attività cerebrale correlata al decision-making durante le scelte di consumo
by P. Cherubino, A.G. Maglione, I. Graziani, A. Trettel, G. Vecchiato, F. Babiloni (2014). MILANO: Guerini e Associati
In base a quali meccanismi prendiamo una decisione (e a volte sbagliamo)? Perché e quando impariamo? Perché non è così facile cambiare i comportamenti? Cosa dovrebbe fare un leader? Il 90% di quello che oggi sappiamo sul funzionamento del nostro cervello è stato scoperto negli ultimi quindici anni. Tuttavia gli straordinari ...
Marketing and Neuroscience: how electroencephalographic tools could help to design and analyze commercial advertising campaigns
by G. Vecchiato, A.G. Maglione, P. Cherubino, I. Graziani, A. Trettel, M.T.H. Ezquierro and F. Babiloni (2014). MICRO & MACRO MARKETING, vol. 2; p. 223-390, ISSN: 1121-4228
Neuromarketing is the multidisciplinary field of research whose aim is to investigate the consumers' reaction to commercial advertisements, or to the product appreciation, from a neuroscientific perspective. In fact, there are high hopes that neuroimaging technology could cope with some of the unsolved problems that ...
Neuroelectrical Brain Imaging Tools for the Study of the Efficacy of TV Advertising Stimuli and their Application to Neuromarketing
by Giovanni Vecchiato, Patrizia Cherubino, Arianna Trettel and Fabio Babiloni, Springer, 2013. ISBN: 978-3-642-38063-1
In this book the authors describe their original research on the potential of both standard and high-resolution electroencephalography (EEG) for analyzing brain activity in response to TV advertising. When engineering techniques, neuroscience concepts and marketing stimuli converge in one research field, known as neuromarketing...
Neuroeconomia, neuromarketing e processi decisionali nell’uomo
by Fabio Babiloni, Vittorio Meroni and Ramon Soranzo, Springer, 2007. ISBN: 978-88-470-0715-4.
In this book the authors describe the application of modern neuroscience techniques in the marketing and economy fields. The book explains, in plain language the structure and functioning of the human brain during decision making process...
I Libri di BrainSigns su Amazon
“Neuroelectrical Brain Imaging Tools for the Study of the Efficacy of TV Advertising Stimuli and their Application to Neuromarketing”
by Giovanni Vecchiato, Patrizia Cherubino, Arianna Trettel and Fabio Babiloni, Springer, 2013. ISBN: 978-3-642-38063-1.
“Neuroeconomia, neuromarketing e processi decisionali nell’uomo”
by Fabio Babiloni, Vittorio Meroni and Ramon Soranzo, Springer, 2007. ISBN: 978-88-470-0715-4.