Training Assessment Support
Brainsigns develops neurometrics useful to assist professionals - within their own operative environments - in the trainees’ assessment: this allows the optimization and customization of every learning program during the training.
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The operative learning level is generally assessed by some supervisors/instructors, on the basis of the trainees’ performance results. However, even if a task is perfectly fulfilled (according to the instructor’s evaluation), a critical point arises: the standard evaluation methods are not adequate to gain information about the task performer’s cognitive abilities and his/her level of mental involvement during the execution.
That is possible, instead, thanks to the neurophysiological measures, since they are able to provide additional information about the trainees’ performance, thus supporting and corroborating the instructors’ evaluation capacity. No need to say that this represents a very useful opportunity to assess, in real-time, the operators’ training level - both in terms of performance and in terms of cognitive resources employed.
How We Work
So far, BrainSigns team has published many research works - available on international journals and conferences’ proceedings – which deal with the training assessment of recruiting professionals (e.g. Pilots, Air-Traffic-Controllers and, recently, even surgical residents), both in lab contexts and in operational environments. In such studies, BrainSigns developed high professional skills in workload neurometrics’ measurement related to different training situations.
Technologies involved are the following ones:
Thanks to the above mentioned technologies, the users’ cognitive training can be measured online too, and in different operational environments. The BWR system can be easily integrated within different systems, such as simulators, user’s interfaces or means of transport.
The EEG-based neuro-measuring methodologies are able to track the reallocation of such cognitive resources during the training phase, providing an independent metric about the quality of the task performed.
This capability would provide additional and objective evidences related to the acquisition of an ability during the training phase, beside the overt behavioral measurements.
Training Assessment Support
Training Assessment Support
Training Assessment Support
Training Assessment Support
Training Assessment Support
Training Assessment Support
Training Assessment Support
Training Assessment Support
Training Assessment Support
Training Assessment Support
Training Assessment Support
Training Assessment Support
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Training Assessment Support Training Assessment Support
Training Assessment Support Training Assessment Support
Training Assessment Support Training Assessment Support
Training Assessment Support Training Assessment Support
What you will get:
- Objective measures of the user’s training level, meant to support Expert Trainers in the trainees’ final evaluation
- In measuring the learning progress, a higher resolution than the one offered by the standard methodologies
- The possibility to evaluate even online the training level of the trainees
- Integration of such Brain Workload Reader framework in systems already existing (e.g. simulators, operator’s interface)
Questions that could be answered:
- Despite the high level of performance, is there any stage of the execution process - tracked by the workload indicator plot and otherwise not declared - where the user has experienced a higher difficulty in performing the task?
- Does customization allow saving time and money in managing/organizing a trainee’s training program?
Inappropriate training might have high economic and social costs, especially in certain operational environments as aeronautics, hospitals, and system of control rooms. BrainSigns can support experts during the assessment of the operators in such environments, in order to optimize, customize and increase the success rate of their learning programs.