NINA Project
- Published in Blog
In the context of NINA project, BrainSigns Team (spin–off of the Sapienza University of Rome) developed a system for the real-time workload evaluation by means of the user’s brain activity.
In the context of NINA project, BrainSigns Team (spin–off of the Sapienza University of Rome) developed a system for the real-time workload evaluation by means of the user’s brain activity.
BrainSigns will use state of the art algorithms to monitor the Air Traffic Controllers (ATCOs) brain activity in an EU project called MINIMA (MItigating Negative Impacts of Monitoring high levels of Automation) as a third party of the University of Bologna.
European Union has funded BrainSigns for developing the idea of a new device BrainWorkloadReader: an innovative device for measuring by cerebral signals the mental workload of pilots and controllers during training sessions.