The advantages of applying Neuroscience in everyday life
- Written by Silvia
The American company BrainCo, which operates in the area of Neuroscience, has designed a new tool able to monitor people’s concentration by reading their brain signals.
Syncronized with an app, this wearable device has been employed during a research carried out in China, on a sample of 10.000 kids from 10 to 17 years old, in order to monitor their attention. The device shows changes in the brain signals related to attention by changing the colour of a few lights placed on its front.
Devices like this, usually employed in the field of neuroscience, are gaining popuarity in the so called real life and may have positive ripercussions in real-time situations.
As a matter of fact, through this experiment a group of teachers could accurately identify scholars who used to get distracted during lessons and that therefore needed more attention and support. This truly helped scholars to improve their learning experience and academic performance.
BrainSigns is a pioneer company in applying this kind of technologies in new areas. For several years the company, with his team of experts, has worked in the field of Neuromarketing for many national and international big companies.
Since Neuromarketing is a very innovative discipline, it often raises objections about measures’ accuracy and their application’s ethical, but such cases demonstrate that, with due caution, very significant results may be achieved.
BrainSigns safeguards measures’ accuracy and protects his subjects’ privacy. Certified and reliable devices, periodically tested in the validity of the recorded signal, are emplyed and great care is given to the guidelines indicated in NMSBA’s ethical code. By means of informed consents, respect for privacy and recorded signals’ anonymity are guaranteed.