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Double award for Innovation and Excellence in Lazio for Neuromarketing Revive headset

During the inauguration of the 2021 ADI Design Index exhibition at the Confindustria’s headquarters Auditorium della Tecnica in Rome, the 2021 ADI Design Index Innovation Award was presented to "Revive", a tool developed by BrainSigns to read brain signals in Neuromarketing researches.

This device was judged: “Innovation capable of combining emotions and rules, opening up new application scenarios to be explored.”

In the same event, the Revive project was also awarded the Design Excellence Award in Lazio 2021. The award, promoted by the ADI Lazio Territorial Delegation with the support of the Lazio Region, is given every year to designers and companies working in and from the Lazio Region and which have been selected in the ADI Design Index.

We are proud to have received these awards for the project carried out which testifies to the innovation and vitality of Italian design.


First Mindtooth demo at EATS 2021: 19th European Airline Training Symposium

On the 2th and 3rd November in Berlin took place EATS 2021: The 19th European Airline Training Symposium, an aviation tradeshow that brings together the industry’s leading professionals to promote safety and share best practices in pilot training and cabin crew training. 

BrainSigns was a guest at the UrbeAero stand and carried out the first public live demo with the Mindtooth prototype for the measurement of human factors: "Mindtooth LIVE Demo: come to see real-time assessment of human factors by Measuring your brain activity".

The results of the ongoing validation to the simulators of the UrbeAero Flight School were also presented at the stand. 

The possibility of introducing the use of neurometrics in this field has aroused many interest among the operators who attended the stand.


Mostra ADI DESIGN INDEX 2021- esposizione headset “Revive”

L’headset “Revive”, impiegato nei test di Neuromarketing, sviluppato in BrainSigns e disegnato dal nostro designer Francesco Della Monica, è stato esposto al Design Museum Milano in occasione della Mostra ADI DESIGN INDEX 2021 di prodotti italiani selezionati dall’Associazione Design Italiano (ADI) per il Premio Compasso d’oro.

I prodotti selezionati, 233 sulle 1.017 candidature presentate, sono suddivisi in vari ambiti tematici. Accanto alla classica sezione del Design per l’abitare sono numerosi i prodotti del Design dei materiali e dei sistemi tecnologici, quelli della Ricerca per l’impresa e della Ricerca teorica che testimoniano l’innovazione e la vitalità del design italiano.

Dal 18 Novembre la mostra sarà trasferita per due settimane a Roma al Palazzo di Confindustria Auditorium della Tecnica, viale Umberto Tupini 65.

Stay Tuned


Mindtooth Project - progress and prospects

The Mindtooth project, funded by EU commission, is well advanced into the system development phase. Next December a prototype with headset and software for applications in real Operative Environments will be ready for demonstration.

The challenge of Mindtooth is to promote the use of “out-of-the-lab” neuroscience in operational sectors by giving easy access to a large number of indicators related to different processes going on in the brain such as mental workload, stress, and vigilance. The system prototype is well on its way to reaching its challenging objectives considering that: excellent results have been obtained in validation tasks, a high reliability in signal recording and data processing has been verified, and the comfort of the elegant headset has been confirmed. Moreover a smooth UX software interface is now under construction.

The Mindtooth system aims at allowing the integration of cerebral information of airplane pilots, drivers and industrial operators in reporting mode as well as being open to integration with the surrounding technological environment: an automotive simulator, or an aircraft’s cockpit, or systems in a control room, respectively.

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This new affordable wearable device which provides measures about psychological internal states has potentially a much larger range of future applications. Once its features are fully demonstrated the Mindtooth system will became an attractive and useful tool in many different other fields, in addition to those tested in the ongoing project. Indeed, to take into account instant internal human reactions could be useful to enhance human activities or automation efficiency in a large set of applications:

  • The Human Machine Interaction (HMI) domain is a large field where systems could be designed taking into consideration the actual user’s instant perception, and truly become “cognitive-able”, able to sense users’ psychophysiological state and to make informed decisions according to their timely needs and intentions.
  • Also Marketing Behavioural analysis and Management neuroscience could be potentially interested in using the system.
  • Last, but not least, wellness monitoring and “out of lab” patient monitoring with adequate validation could be another large sector of interest.


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