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Mostra ADI DESIGN INDEX 2021- esposizione headset “Revive”

L’headset “Revive”, impiegato nei test di Neuromarketing, sviluppato in BrainSigns e disegnato dal nostro designer Francesco Della Monica, è stato esposto al Design Museum Milano in occasione della Mostra ADI DESIGN INDEX 2021 di prodotti italiani selezionati dall’Associazione Design Italiano (ADI) per il Premio Compasso d’oro.

I prodotti selezionati, 233 sulle 1.017 candidature presentate, sono suddivisi in vari ambiti tematici. Accanto alla classica sezione del Design per l’abitare sono numerosi i prodotti del Design dei materiali e dei sistemi tecnologici, quelli della Ricerca per l’impresa e della Ricerca teorica che testimoniano l’innovazione e la vitalità del design italiano.

Dal 18 Novembre la mostra sarà trasferita per due settimane a Roma al Palazzo di Confindustria Auditorium della Tecnica, viale Umberto Tupini 65.

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Mindtooth Project - progress and prospects

The Mindtooth project, funded by EU commission, is well advanced into the system development phase. Next December a prototype with headset and software for applications in real Operative Environments will be ready for demonstration.

The challenge of Mindtooth is to promote the use of “out-of-the-lab” neuroscience in operational sectors by giving easy access to a large number of indicators related to different processes going on in the brain such as mental workload, stress, and vigilance. The system prototype is well on its way to reaching its challenging objectives considering that: excellent results have been obtained in validation tasks, a high reliability in signal recording and data processing has been verified, and the comfort of the elegant headset has been confirmed. Moreover a smooth UX software interface is now under construction.

The Mindtooth system aims at allowing the integration of cerebral information of airplane pilots, drivers and industrial operators in reporting mode as well as being open to integration with the surrounding technological environment: an automotive simulator, or an aircraft’s cockpit, or systems in a control room, respectively.

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This new affordable wearable device which provides measures about psychological internal states has potentially a much larger range of future applications. Once its features are fully demonstrated the Mindtooth system will became an attractive and useful tool in many different other fields, in addition to those tested in the ongoing project. Indeed, to take into account instant internal human reactions could be useful to enhance human activities or automation efficiency in a large set of applications:

  • The Human Machine Interaction (HMI) domain is a large field where systems could be designed taking into consideration the actual user’s instant perception, and truly become “cognitive-able”, able to sense users’ psychophysiological state and to make informed decisions according to their timely needs and intentions.
  • Also Marketing Behavioural analysis and Management neuroscience could be potentially interested in using the system.
  • Last, but not least, wellness monitoring and “out of lab” patient monitoring with adequate validation could be another large sector of interest.



Dante and new technologies: Sapienza University's neuroaesthetic study on the Divine Comedy continues, with the collaboration of BrainSigns

Neuroesthetics is a research field that investigates neurobiological correlations during the use of artwork. The field of investigation is mainly focused on the figurative arts, but recently has also been extended to literary art as well.

In University of Rome "Sapienza", science meets art and literature to give life to a Neuroaesthetics project: NeuroDante, with the technological support of BrainSigns.

During the project, which lasted several years, research was also carried out at the Library of the Accademia dei Lincei, where the preliminary results were presented to the President of the Italian Republic Sergio Mattarella, and the then President of the Chamber of Deputies Laura Boldrini.

The aim was to evaluate whether experienced subjects, i.e. university students of humanities courses, and non-experienced, i.e. university students of scientific subjects, showed different reactions in terms of cognitive and emotional involvement when listening to some passages of the Divine Comedy.

The outcomes showed greater cerebral involvement in the expert students and greater emotional involvement instead in the non-experts.

The researchers also observed, in both groups of more and less prepared students, an unconscious tendency to a cerebral response of appreciation while listening to the Divine Comedy passages directly proportional to the cognitive effort expended in listening and understanding the literary work.

Almost as if there was a basic and natural physiological mechanism for appreciating beauty: you don't need to be an expert to admire the great poet's most famous literary work at this level.

Given the interest in the first results, the researchers has already started working on an in-depth study which has involved the actress Lucilla Giagnoni.

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The aim is still to study the emotional response to listening to passages read by female and male voices.

The results are being processed and will certainly be reported on the BrainSigns blog as soon as they are available. 


Neuromarketing Test ADV in modalità condivisa - Maggio e Giugno 2021

In occasione degli Europei di Calcio e delle Olimpiadi 2021, BrainSigns promuove due test di Neuromarketing che verranno organizzati in modalità "condivisa" nelle settimane del 17 maggio e del 14 Giugno.

Grazie all’esperienza e all’approccio scientifico del team di BrainSigns nella rilevazione e nell'analisi dei segnali neurometrici, avrai la possibilità di testare la tua comunicazione pubblicitaria ottenendo “insight” su contenuti emotivi e cognitivi da valorizzare nella specifica strategia di comunicazione.

Misurare la risposta istintiva in termini di emozione, interesse e attenzione visiva può essere una buona occasione per massimizzare l’efficacia dei GRPs e per ottenere una comunicazione chiara che arrivi direttamente alla mente e al cuore del consumatore.

BrainSigns registrerà 36 soggetti (target generalista) impiegando le seguenti tecnologie neuroscientifiche:

Ciascun soggetto vedrà un filmato all’interno del quale verrà inserito un break pubblicitario.

Invia il tuo spot entro il 14 Maggio o entro l'11 Giugno, riceverai dopo una settimana un report di valutazione con eventuali suggerimenti di miglioramento degli spot testati.

L’adesione a questa modalità prevede costi contenuti e tempi rapidi.

Di seguito ti proponiamo alcuni casi di studio effettuati dal nostro team che hanno ottenuto un grandissimo successo.

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