Human Mental Workload: Models and Applications (H-WORKLOAD 2019)
- Written by Silvia
BrainSigns supports the organization of the third edition of the International Symposium Human Mental Workload: Models and Applications (H-WORKLOAD 2019), which will be held on November 14th and 15th 2019 at the Sapienza Conference Center located in Via Salaria 113.
The scientific programme of WORKLOAD 2019 will consist of regular and technical contributions reviewed and selected by an international programme committee about the Human Workload conjugated in its several study perspectives, from predictive models of psychological derivation to more avant-garde neuroscientific measurement applications.
The contributions will be presented by academic researchers and industry professionals, and together they will represent a broad spectrum of disciplines, including psychology and human factors, computer science and human-machine interaction, education and neuroscience and will provide a mechanism for the exchange of ideas and technologies among a worldwide audience of academics and industrial scientists.
The event will have as Keynote speaker Prof. Fabio Babiloni, who will try to answer the question of whether cognitive neuroscience is ready to be used in industrial contexts through his opening speech on the first day.
In his speech a possible path for the use of advanced discoveries in cognitive neuroscience will be described, using the electroencephalogram outside the classical medical environment (for example to improve the limb rehabilitation pathway for stroke patients).
In particular, the applications of the advanced EEG signal processing technique will be illustrated in the context of marketing (neuro-marketing) and in aerospace-aeronautical environments, through on-line monitoring of pilots’ Mental workload, air traffic controllers and other categories of professionals during their operations.
The organizers of the event are Prof. Luca Longo and Maria Chiara Leva of the Technological Dublin University.
Our Dr. Gianluca Di Flumeri, Pietro Aricò and Gianluca Borghini have taken care of the logistical organization and they will contribute to the presentation of the event itself.
In addition to the unmissable intervention of Prof. Fabio Babiloni, scheduled for 9.30am on Thursday 14th, the event will be divided into 8 Thematic Sessions:
Session 1 (14/11, 10.45 -12.20. Chair: Prof. Fabio Babiloni). The session will debate innovative approaches and applications in mental workload measurements and includes 5 speeches.
Session 2 (14/11, 13.55 - 15.05. Chair: Dr. Pietro Aricò). The session will cover the measures of the Mental Workload in aviation and includes 4 speeches.
Session 3 (14/11, 15.45 -17.10. Chair: Dr. Gianluca Di Flumeri). This special session is sponsored by the European project SIMUSAFE, in which BS is involved and that will be the subject of a simultaneous workshop. After a presentation of the project itself and the results produced, there will be 4 speeches focused on Mental Workload measures driving cars and other public transport.
Session 4 (11/15, 09.10 - 10.30. Chair: Dr. Thea Raduntz). The session will focus in particular on the applications of electroencephalographic measurements and machine-learning techniques and includes 4 speeches.
Session 5 (11/15, 11.00 - 12.20. Chair: Prof. Josè J. Canas Delgado). The session will focus on Mental Workload measures applied in work environments and includes 5 speeches.
Session 6 (15/11, 13.40 - 14.20. Chair: Maria Chiara Leva). This special session will provide the audience with a panel of experts, Prof. Luca Longo, Prof. Fabio Babiloni, Dr. Gianluca Di Flumeri and Dr. Ivan Gligorijevic, to stimulate discussion about how new neuroscientific techniques can be an added value in assessments of the human factor and Mental Workload in particular.
Session 7 (11/15, 2.25pm-3.20 pm. Chair: Dr. Gianluca Borghini). The session will focus on other applications of mental workload measurements, such as sensory experiences and includes 3 speeches.
Session 8 (11/15, 15.45 - 16.45. Chair: Dr. Ivan Gligorijevic). The session will continue the discussion about other applications of the Mental Workload measures and includes 4 speeches.
For more information, visit the website: