“Consumer Insights – News from Neuroscience” – Conference in Rome, October 1st
- Written by Marco Mancini
Finally, in Italy, an event for views exchange about the state of the art regards the synergies between Marketing and Neuroscience.
Alberto Mattiacci, Marketing professor, and Fabio Babiloni, Physiology and Bioengineering professor, at Sapienza – University of Rome, are going to meet, on October 1st, as italian as international expert voices. For instance Steve Genco, distinguished by years of neuromarketing applications, who will resume radical changes of vision introduced by neurosciences in marketing strategies. BrainSigns srl, sponsor of the day, recommends to all a “Save the Date” to the calendar.
Introduction of Fabio Babiloni on the "Consumer Insight" Conference
The program is interesting for both academia as corporate world. It’s designed as an opportunity for exchange ideas, with areas dedicated to the deepening of the topic, and the debate with the speakers.
A general overview on the conference during the morning:
- Introduction to the importance of the topic and to the possibilities offered by advanced studies of cerebral physiology will be detailed by the organizers
- Acute analysis of the changes in perspective by Steve Genco
- Point on the situation about future scientific development in marketing research by prof. Gianpiero Lugli
- Neuromarketing experiences spectrum by two big companies as Telecom Italia and Unilever
In the afternoon testimonies in retail applications and in advertising test, and a round table to conclude and think about consequences, changes and invariants in the communication world.
Don’t forget, SAVE THE DATE!

Marco Mancini
Head of Neuromarketing Lab at BrainSigns
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